City Series: “From country house to Viceroys house: A journey with Sir Edwin Lutyens”
Martin Lutyens, Chairman of The Lutyens Trust, will explain how Sir Edwin came to be the most celebrated British architect of his day. He will describe how Lutyens’ style matured and evolved, from the early houses which made his name, through grander houses, public buildings and memorials, leading onto the building, over almost 20 years, of New Delhi. He will describe the influence of Sir Edwin’s earlier work on the planning of New Delhi and the design of Government House (now Rashtrapati Bhavan); and how working in India influenced contemporaneous commissions in Britain and continental Europe.
The event will take place on Wednesday 27th June at 6:00pm and be hosted at: Victorian Art Gallery at New Walk Museum.
(The talk is sponsored by the HLF/Leicester City Council funded ‘Story of Parks’ project.)
Prior to the talk, there will be a limited number of spaces on a free walk around Lutyens’ work in Victoria Park, including the Arch of Remembrance, and a brief stroll via other local landmarks on New Walk.
Please get in touch to learn more and reserve a space: / 0116 4544935